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Episode 1: Rat Hole
In January 2024 an indentation in the asphalt shaped like a rat mysteriously appeared in Chicago. All traces of the once great city have vanished, save for these news ...

Latest Episodes
Bonus: spookfest 24
It's that perfectly spoooky time of year, so why don't we all settle in as Mr. Graves (performed by Ryan Joseph Murphy) from Your Horror Show guides us through a set o...

Episode 5: The Skeletons Dance
Sven is dead, but that does not mean his story is over. His work among the living is over, but his afterlife in the free republic of murder victims is just getting sta...

Episode 4: A Criminal Confession
Listen to The Morbid Forest criminal is pondering his life and how he ended up in prison while writing a letter to his estranged fath...

Episode 3: Ding
Listen to The Mystery Frequency: assassin rides the elevator to the next job, but will he even get t...

Episode 2: The Mountain Troll's Awakening to The Devil's Plaything from our friends at Tlacuache Theatre: