Episode 5: The Skeletons Dance

[Greek Music]
*sloshing water*

(whisper) Stygian Catalyst

This episode contains elements that could be sensitive to certain individuals including death at work, skeletons mentions of child death and captitalism. see the shownotes for additional details.

*casket opening*
*shaking body awake*

Hey! You there!


Yes, you. What's your name?


Sven? All right Sven… No, don't be frightened. Yes, I know, I'm rather pale looking. It's your first time talking to a skelly such as myself, isn't it?


Thought as much. Do you know why you are here?


No? That's not unusual. You were welding 30 meters up in the air when you were struck by lightning.

(wilhelm scream)

Comrade corpse, welcome to the free republic of murder victims. Come join me for the dance.

A… Dance?

Yes, a dance of Skeletons. I'll introduce you to your fallen brothers.


*button clicks*
[Skeleton Sonata plays]

This here is Björn, his arm got stuck in a piece of machinery, got torn right off. He survived, but couldn't work anymore and drank himself to death. Over there is Ingrid. She died only 30 years old from inhaling textile fibers, and this lil cute guy…

He was my son. 7 years old, and how proud he was making his daddy. That is until the mine collapsed, but at least we're together again now.

There’s so many of you…

Yes, I know, there are many of us. 500 per year, butchered like animals in factories, in mines and on the fields. Some of us died when the union refused to support our strike, making starvation a fact. Others yet were shot by the bourgeois attack dogs, or simply kept as slaves. Every single one of us here in the free republic of murder victims, slain for another's profit. But rest assured, one day we will rise, shaking the earth itself with our song that echoes in the machines, carried by the mighty trees yet standing. We will have our revenge. What say you, Sven? Do you want retribution against he who put you here, the pig that had you weld in a thunderstorm?

(angry) Just tell me what to do.

I thought as much. That's what the dance is for.

*footsteps, mic feedback*

Today, we celebrate what we all accomplished, the grand nation we built together. Tomorrow, we rise as one and reclaim it. Harm not the workers yet alive, for they are our brothers and sisters, but show no mercy to the Bosses. They stole your future, now we take theirs, so that the next generation might live a life free of exploitation. Divided we are weak, but together we are strong. They have already taken your life, do not let them have another, do not let them wage another pointless war.


Return now to your sprucewood casket. Rest in it one final time. We're counting on you.

*casket closes*

The Skeleton’s dance was written, directed and edited by Pelle Frid, Based on the song “De mödrades fria republik” by Dan Berglund.

Skelly was played by David Kurze

Sven was played by Erik Röjare

The Child was played by Bradly Findly

Sound effects was taken from various sources

The Sixth door to the Left Cover was created by Yendysear.

The Divine Rodentia Studios Logo was created by Zacharias Frid.

Special thanks to Wil Williams from Hug House Productions for some well-needed help with the choreography for this episode

The music on the vinyl was Skeleton Sonata by Robin Johnson. You can hear more of Robins work on the “Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Pals” podcast

The ambiance piano track was written and performed by Pelle Frid

The credits music was Solemn State by Heath Cantu

This episode is dedicated to all the workers who didn’t get to come home again. Last year 63 people died at work in sweden, most of these could have been avoided. Safety takes a step back when the demands for increased profits and unreasonable productivity expectations are levied by bosses who doesn’t care if you live or die, and who would just as soon replace you by a automated system if you complain. It’s not worth sacrificing your life to please someone who willingly put you on the line without a second thought. You’re more than a statistic

We will be taking a bit of a break, as we work on more episodes and our upcoming show Loser’s Game. This is not goodbye, it’s a see you later. We are but a short message away.

Episode 5: The Skeletons Dance
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